Wednesday, March 10, 2010

There is a lot going on at The Dizzy Whisk these days!

What's new at The Dizzy Whisk?

We are bringing Dizzy Whisk programming into more schools and community centres  - we have created "The Dizzy Whisk Way" which is a fully fledged cooking course for kids that can be adapted to any school curriculum. It focuses on the four main areas of Breads, Soups and Starters, Mains and Desserts.

We plan to roll out a new workshop in the Spring - please stay tuned.

We're thrilled to announce that we have been invited to give a Dizzy Whisk demo on the Celebrity Stage at the 2010 Wellness Show. The show is one of the largest annual shows attracting over 30,000 people and we are very excited to be taking part alongside some of the best chefs in Vancouver. Bring your  kids and come see us in action! For more details visit

We have added a host of new programmes that take place in your own home. Following many requests we are now teaching nannies to cook in the family's own kitchen - get a few nannies together and benefit from wonderful healthy meals for your family!

And then we come to our Dizzy Whisk Birthday Parties which are hugely popular - if you are interested in a birthday party, please make sure to book well in advance - we do parties during the week in addition to weekends.

Finally, have you heard about our new Dizzy Whisk Cookie Dough Loot Bags? Enough with loot bags that just get thrown out - these cookie dough loot bags make around 20 great cookies and come with baking instructions.

We look forward to keeping you posted.


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